Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Target Tuesday

Today I'm linking up with fabulous but evil for...

In celebration of the upcoming LOVE DAY, I thought it would be appropriate
to feature: Valentine's Day!! What a fun link-up to participate in! :)


  1. oh my goodness, that apron is adorable! :)

  2. I love the apron! I recently started buying aprons! I'm trying to start a collection. I have three. I can never find aprons at my target :(


  3. I thought it was too cute! :) I love wearing aprons... It's so "old-fashiony"! I have a cake business and my stepson tells me that I'm not a "real baker" unless I'm wearing the apron... So I've accumulated a pretty good collection! :)


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! I love hearing from ya'll & I hope you will always find something here that interests you! :)


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