Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The skinny...

On being skinny: from my perspective! 

I've been tempted to write this post for quite some time now. One of the reasons I
haven't is because I want my blog to be a "happy place" rather than somewhere I go to
rant and rave about this or that. But, this is something that has great meaning to me and
I feel that it is something that needs to be "shared"! It is an issue that peeves me on a 
consistent basis and to be quite honest, I am hurt and disheartened by some people's 
lack of thoughtfulness and tact when it comes to this topic.

According to national obesity trends, as of 2010, almost 65% of Americans are overweight.
However, plenty of people - at least 35 percent of the U.S. population - are NOT overweight.
I, just so happen, to be one of the 35%. And this is where my "issue" comes in... I am sick
and tired of having to hear the RUDE comments about my weight or how "skinny" I am! I know
there ARE times people mean it as a "compliment" but really, it's not. I hate the demeaning
tone in their voice when they go “OMG you’re sooo TIIIIIINY!", or "You’re a stick. 
Do you ever eat?”. I’ve had enough of the prevalent attitude that automatically,
and one-sidedly, links “thin” to “anorexic”, of reading about how “real women have
curves”, of seeing book titles like “Skinny Bitch“.

If I went around saying to someone “OMG you’re sooo FAT!" or "Have you put on weight?! 
You should cut down on all those French fries!” I’d be labeled rude and discriminating.... and
I'm sure many more "fabulous" things! And can you even imagine the wrath of furor that would erupt
if I were to write a book called “Fat Bitch”? Oh my.

The fact is, I’m just naturally thin. My metabolism is so fast, that although I eat like a
pig, weight just doesn’t seem to stick. As a matter of fact, just to make the haters really
hate... I can actually eat anything I want, pretty much whenever I want and not even worry one
time about a single ounce of it sticking to me anywhere. I’m not anorexic or bulimic. Nor am I
a "crackhead". You know the stereotypes. If someone is very thin or underweight, we automatically
assume they are ill or have an eating disorder. Or a hollow leg, right? Maybe they live at the gym.
All NOT true. According to the BMI "rule", my body mass is a 22, and on their scale, that rates
as "perfect".  >>check yours here!<<  Not underweight and obviously not over! Bottom line: Don't
judge a body by weight, because it's not about numbers, it's about health. Healthy people do come
in different shapes and sizes, for anybody that didn't know that!

And a few more good points to remember, folks:
1. Compare the following sentences and see if you can identify the similarities:

"Wow, do you eat like, 15 steaks a day? I mean, you're so huge!
Don't you ever stop eating? Are you diabetic?"

"Wow, do you eat like, one celery stick a day? I mean, you're almost
non-existent! Don't you ever eat? Are you anorexic?"

2. Stop telling us to eat more! We already do, thank you very much. And looking
from an economic angle, all that grocery is costly!

3.  Let’s take part in a little personal exercise, shall we? Think back to the
last time you moaned about your weight. (Probably around five to ten minutes ago.)
Now think about a girl you know/have seen that was thin, fit, and generally attractive.
Now: you feel that? That rising, prickling feeling of discomfort? That, sweetie, is
bitterness, the gleeful life-partner of that prick known as Jealousy. And it’s not very pretty.

4. The healthy weight for adult females 5 ft. 5 inches is about 110-130 for small
frames, 127-140 for medium frames, and 137-155 for large frames. Now think back
again: that “skinny” girl you pictured earlier, how much do you think she weighed?
Maybe 110? 115? 120? Hate to break it to you, sweetie, but that’s actually
pretty normal in most cases.
5. Did you know the word “skinny” is defined as, “very lean or thin; emaciated”? 
That girl, the 110-120 lb. one; she wasn’t “emaciated.” Anorexics are emaciated. 
Holocaust victims were emaciated. Thin, fit girls aren’t emaciated. 
They’re just, well, in good shape.

6. All the articles about skinny celebs. Some may diet too much, but slimness 
is criticized as if it is something inherently bad. We get the blame for women and girls 
aspiring to be thinner. Why? How is it my fault? Now, I believe that we have a natural size, 
and I am how I’m meant to be. What do you think? Is it unfair to pick on skinny people? 
Or do you pick on thinner people? Please let me know!

7. I LOVE FOOD! yep, you read that right! Love it! And I eat. Multiple times. 
Every day. I eat CAKE almost 24-7, for God’s sake. So when someone comes up to me and 
says, “OMG, you are so skinny; do you ever eat?” I feel like punching that street-walker 
in the mouth. I’m actually not “skinny,” thanks. Skinny denotes under-weight, and I’m not. 
I’m medically average, and I’m happy, and yes, hooker, I eat plenty. 

Now... put THAT on YOUR plate and EAT IT!!


  1. Pshh! Nothing on you is obese girly! :)

  2. I enjoyed reading your post. Unfortunately I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I eat like a bird, love salads, and drink plenty of water. I can look at or smell food and put on weight. I cannot finish a meal, but yet people must look at me and think I eat all the time. I cannot eat a steak, salad, and baked potato. I am full on half the salad, half the steak and never touch the potato. Maybe I need a metabolism booster. I know alot of people like you who eat in one day what would take me 3 or 4 days to eat. I guess no matter your size you will always have haters. Beauty is measured only in how you see yourself. Thanks again for sharing.

    Krista Davis


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