Monday, April 23, 2012

Picnik users take note!

As most of you probably already know, Picnik is no longer up and running.
If this has been your go-to photo editor in the past, then you are probably like
me and have been a bit "lost" without it. I have been searching for another
program that was comparable to Picnik and I just haven't had much
luck... until NOW! :)

I stumbled across Pixlr the other day and after playing around with it a bit,
I have discovered that I REALLY like it. Maybe even more than Picnik!
Seriously. You can follow the link below to try it out for yourself, or you can
visit PicMonkey, which is the program that Picnik is referring its old users
to... and just to note, I was NOT impressed with their program at all.
Let me know what YOU think!

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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! I love hearing from ya'll & I hope you will always find something here that interests you! :)


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