Tuesday, September 20, 2011

B is for Breed… {Of Dogs}

My pets are a very big part of my life, so I thought I’d use today’s “letter” to talk
about some of my favorite dog breeds. I currently own two of the three breeds that 
I am going to talk about today, and in my opinion, as I know we all have our own,
but these babies are THE BEST! There’s just no other way to put it.

First on the list… Maltese. I have TWO of these sweet babies... Vegas, who is a 

TOTAL Mama's Boy and Lucky, who is definitely the "alpha dog" of the two, a 
sometime-y Mama's Boy and particularly fond of his Daddy (on most
days... Lol). And I have a pretty funny story about how I ended up with not one, but 

TWO Maltese pups. I literally begged for one of these fur balls for a good 2 years 
or so. Already having one pet, my "other half" wasn't interested in having any 
conversations about getting another. And then finally one day it happened. He said 
YES! So I scouted out the papers and found a breeder with 2 left from the litter. 
When we got there, I realized that this was going to be a hard "choice"...  how 
ever could I pick?! I spent a few minutes playing with both pups, trying to decide 
which "lucky" one would be going home with me when I hear "What kind of deal 
would you give me for both?". What? Are you kidding me. Who is this man? 
And what is he talking about? You need to know that I never once questioned his 
motives. That was it, and it was final... they would BOTH be going home with us!! 
Now, two years later, I look back and I know exactly what his "motives" were. 
It was a "you want a dog, well then I'll show you" kinda thing. I had just become a 
mother of another kind. Times 2!! It's not so bad anymore, but the puppy stage was 
rough. They are literally like 2 babies... no different. If they don't have my attention, 
then nothing is right in the world. And they are spoiled. I'm talking sour rotten
stinky milk kind of spoiled. And I take full responsibility for it! Actually, I wouldn't 
have it any other way. These two boys are my sunshine and I don't know what 
I would do without them. Slobbery kisses and all.

The Maltese is spirited, lively and playful. Gentle, loving, trusting and devoted to its
master. Highly intelligent. Good at learning tricks. Bold and quick to sound the alarm in
case of suspicious noises. It is a classical companion dog; graceful and lovable. 
Maltese love to play outdoors. Some like to jump in puddles. If you feed them table
scraps, they can (and will!) become picky eaters.

The Maltese was developed in Italy. It is said to have miniature spaniel and
poodle blood. The Maltese was first recognized as a breed in Malta, where they
received their name. They were once known as "Ye ancient dogge of Malta". The
breed was owned by royalty all over the world. Women carried them around in
their sleeves and slept with them in their beds. They were first brought to
England by Crusaders returning home from the Mediterranean. The Maltese
was first recognized by the AKC in 1888.

The cost of a Maltese puppy is usually around $1000.00 or more with the average
being between $1500.00 and $3000.00. With any breed, cost of puppies varies
depending on location, breeder and pedigree history.

Here are photos of my 2 sweet babies: 

Okay, so on to the next BREED of the day, and that is... American Pit Bull Terriers.
This one is going to be hard for me because I have some pretty strong opinions
on all the "controversy" that surrounds these dogs. So I'll try to not get
on my "soap box".

I'd like you to meet...
This is Roxy, my other baby! She was the first addition to our "extended family" and
 she is THE BEST doggie. She is a red nose pit bull with some of the best blood
lines you can get in a pit. If you happen to now anything about these animals,
she is a descendant of the Red Boy-Jocko blood line, down  from
Tants and Termite. (Google this and learn yourself something!)
Fun Fact: Her grandfathers "worth" was $25,000. Which makes for one
expensive dog!! DID YOU KNOW??.....

1. Pit Bulls are commonly used as therapy dogs. Whether they are visiting a senior care
facility or helping someone recover from an emotional accident, Pit Bulls are making a
mark as outstanding therapy dogs.

2. Pit Bulls serve as narcotic and bomb sniffing dogs. One Pit Bull, Popsicle
(named that because he was found in an old freezer) has the largest recorded single
drug find in Texas history. Read more about Popsicle here. Including how he found over
3,000 lbs of cocaine in Hildago, Texas.

3. Pit Bulls are not human aggressive. The American Pit Bull Terrier as a breed is
not human aggressive. In fact, quite the opposite is true of the breed. They are
gentle and loving dogs.

4. The Pit Bull was so popular in the early 1900's they were our mascot not only
in World War One, but World War Two as well. They were featured on recruiting
and propaganda posters during this time period.

5. Pit Bulls score an 83.4% passing rate with the American Temperament Test Society.
That's better than the popular Border Collie (a breed who scores 79.6%).

6. The only people raising fighting dogs today are a small contigent (est. 1-2%) of
criminals and gang members - these people are also selling drugs, carry guns and are a
threat to society on many different levels. Breed bans will not stop these people or curb
the danger they pose in our society. The problem with 'pit bull' attacks is an ownership
problem that will not go away if we ban 'pit bulls'.

7. In the original "Little Rascals" television series, the spotted-eyed dog named Pete
that trailed along on all those rascally adventures was an American Pit Bull Terrier.

8. Pit bulls have the nickname of the "Nanny's Dog" because historically they have proven
to be very good with children, and enjoy playing and watching over them.

9. American Pit Bull Terriers are a favored pet of many famous celebrities, including
Jennifer Lopez, Jon Stewart, Rachel Ray, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Alicia Silverstone,
and Michael J. Fox.

(this says it all!)

Okay, for my third and final BREED... the WEIMARANER!!
Unfortunately I don't own one of these (YET!). But I have always had a love for the
Weimaraner... with those eyes,  how could one not?! The next 4-legged friend
that we get will definitely be a Weim!! And I want one that looks just like this...

Weims are medium to large gray dogs with short hair which were bred for hunting ability.
The head is moderately long and aristocratic. Ears are long and lobular. The eyes range
from light amber to gray or blue gray. The tail is docked to approximately 6” in length.
Above all, the dog’s conformation must indicate ability to work with great speed and
endurance in the field. Developed in Germany, they came to this country during the
middle of the twentieth century.

A well-trained Weimaraner can make a wonderful pet for the person who is willing
to provide the dog with companion status and plenty of daily exercise. The typical
Weimaraner is not aggressive and can be a good family pet. Weimaraners are
Considered to be fairly high in canine intelligence. Owners often resort to using
child-proof locks on their cabinets to keep their dogs from eating all the food in
the house! The temperament should be friendly, fearless, alert and obedient. They
want to be with their people at all times and to be involved in their activities. While
they do not possess the aggressive personally of a guard dog, they will protect their
property by loudly letting you know when a stranger is approaching.

Weimaraners have even gained some fame through a photography series created by
William Wegman. Wegman has published books of his photographs, as well as videos.
He has also done some work with Weimaraners for Sesame Street.

Here are some of my most favorite Wegman shots :
Hope you enjoy reading today's post as much as I enjoyed writing it!!

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