Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lynyrd Skynyrd & 7 year olds

Yesterday afternoon on our way home, a commercial came on the radio about 
Lynyrd Skynyrd and ZZ Top coming in concert to the Tuscaloosa Amphitheatre
in October. From the back seat, Ryan (my stepson) begins demanding an
explanation on HOW Lynyrd Skynyrd is having a concert when they died in a 
plane crash "a long time ago"?! We tried to explain to him that it is not THE  "original"
band, but I'm still not sure he "got it", or was very happy with our explanation. Let
me say... this IS the child who LOVES some Lynyrd Skynyrd and Southern 
Rock. He knows the names of songs and most of the words to them.And when
he sings those songs... he gets into it. Hopefully I can make a video soon.
So... after a good laugh, our little conversation sparked an idea...
maybe it's time for him to go to his first concert... and what a good
one it would be to take him to. I'm in... now I just need to sweet talkin'
the "other half". I can't imagine it would take too much convincing! :)
For Ryan:

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