Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Only 17 Days, 14 Hours, 42 Minutes & 27 Seconds Until…

It has been (way!) too long since my last blog post!! It seems like when
the week of Thanksgiving (& my dear mother’s birthday) hits, it’s nonstop
for me, right on through Christmas time. So, my blogging may be quite 
shabby for the next few weeks, however, on the brighter side
 I do have a little “collection” of things that I am finally getting time to
share with you today!!

I’ve been doing a lot of crafting projects lately. I really do enjoy it, but it can
easily get overwhelming with TOO much crafting. Wait!! TOO MUCH??
Did I really just say that?! Is there even such a thing as too much crafting?!
Anyway I’m only able to share a few of those projects because a lot of
what I’ve been doing are for Christmas gifts and I don’t want to spoil the
surprise!! I will do another post after Christmas and show you all of those!

I have had my Cricut for several years now, and I’m ashamed to admit that
I really don’t use it a lot. I find myself pulling it out around Christmas, or
maybe a birthday but definitely not as much as I should! After I got the
Cricut I also purchased the Sure Cuts A Lot (SCAL) program and it really
opened up a whole new world of possibilities. If you don’t have the
program yet or you do have it and aren’t sure how to use it, I’m always
happy to answer any questions you may have. Oh and the best part
SCAL equals no more buying cartridges!! No kidding.

I do a lot of vinyl “crafts” with my machine and I was
lucky enough (after buying the overpriced Cricut vinyl that Michaels sells you
know, the kind you CAN’T use a coupon for!) to stumble upon Expressions Vinyl.
I will never, and I mean never, buy vinyl anywhere else.

I have also made some Christmas gift tags using cardstock, bakers twine
and a little bit of glue. Way cuter than the generic store-bought ones!! :)

I really wanted to make a cutesy Advent calendar this year, but the time 
just got away from me and December 1st was here before I had time to digest
my Thanksgiving turkey!! Sooo we are calling ours The Twelve Days Of
Christmas! Yes, I fully understand that the TDOC actually start on the 25th,
ending on January 5th, but do you think a 7 year old knows that or even
cares?! Nope. We will be starting ours next Tuesday and I have lots of fun
stuff tucked away inside each bag. I really didn’t want to just do candy, which
seems to be the popular thing, so most of the “days” consists of fun stuff like
making gingerbread houses, baking Christmas cookies, reading the Christmas
story from the Bible and so on. I got a few ideas for this from my beloved
Pinterest, and the rest just kind of evolved

I also wanted to share the latest happenings with our elf, Slim! Last Friday
morning Ryan woke up to this
That has to be the trickiest elf EVER to paint his toenails while he was
asleep! I also bet he had a lot of fun while trying to do it too!! :) This is the
best “trick” yet hands down! Ryan is student of the week this week 
and he was able to choose one of his favorite things to take too school and 
share with his class yep, Slim is currently roaming the halls of OGES. 
There will be more to come on that soon..

My mother celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago and this year I made
her this cute little owl cupcake cake:

And last weeks cake order was for a little princess who was having a 
Jasmine party
I thought it turned out so cute and I’m pretty sure the little one loved it! :)

I have one more order to get delivered this week and after that I actually 
have a break for about a month. It’s probably a good thing too because 2012 
is going to be super busy!! I love seeing my business grow each and every year
and I thank all of my customers for their business!!

Cake Balls from last week:
And last but not least, I finally got all my outside decorating finished. I usually
don’t use my Amazing Plant Stand for Christmas, but had this whim 
of an idea and it turned out just like I wanted it to!
Hope you all are in the Christmas spirit as 
much as we are!!!

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