Thursday, January 19, 2012

Valentine Printables.

Are you getting in the lovey-dovey pink and red spirit?? I know I am!!
Valentine's Day is the one & only time of year that I can get away
with overflowing our house with tons of pinks and reds and glittery 
hearts... and all that other good stuff!
The past week, I've been working on a few small things and I thought
I'd share them with you, in case you're already in the "spirit" too!

I spotted these cute Valentines on Pinterest and thought they would
be cute for Ryan to take to school. The blog where this originated,
The Fry Family Blog, also had the printables available to download, 
however when I tried to print them they were all fuzzy. (Boo!) So...
in true "me fashion"... I "fixed" them. And I'm sharing them with you
to print too!! Click the image below to enlarge then right-click and
choose "save as" to save to your computer. Then just print...

These are 2 inch labels and after printing, I used a 2 inch scalloped
punch to finish. I haven't added the holes at the top (for attaching) yet.

While I was busy working on these, I also made some cute Owl labels
that I will be using on some other VD treats. I'll be sure and share both
finished projects with you... well, when they're finished! :) In the meantime,
feel free to print and use on your own projects if you like. 
 Please let me know if any of the images are blurry when you print them
and if so I can email you the file. Also... I have already ordered the shovels 
and I found them on Ebay for $15.99 + free shipping per 2 dozen.

Hope everyone has had a good week... tomorrow if FRIDAY! Yayyy!! :)

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